Sookie International


These are some of the stories we have received from our members of their Sookie experiences:

"I sookied Orly Delgado in Disney World. By far the best sookie moment in my short life."
from Joaquin Gonzalez

"I was fortunate enough to witness an unforgettable sookie when Frank Ortiz SILENT sookied Carlos de M. from across a food court (aprox. 25 yards) at JFK Airport. Furthermore, the ringup was anything BUT silent, leaving the onlooking crowd very startled and dumbfounded" from Daniel Suñiga.

"One time I was engaged in an intense sookie battle against this [man] named Felix from North Miami. He attempted to counteract his previous humiliation (I got him) with a sookie of his own. However, being the master that I am, I achieved The Advanced Reverse Sookie, keeping my previous victory intact and showing my dominance" from David L. Markel.

"The most amazing sookie I ever had (which I suffered) was when my brother came downstairs on January 2nd, 2002, and said 'do you play a game named sookie?' I said 'no shut up what are you talking about?' He says 'I think you do and you have been for a long time', (not knowing this game was actually called sookie since I had been playing it for about 3 years now) Then he says to me, 'o yea, I just read an ESPN The Magazine article about Joaquin Gonzalez, and he's been playing a game since he was 12 that his brother made up called sookie, its a game that if you say "what?" or "huh?"(I also play with "hmm?") you lose'... and right then and there it was a horrible, I said 'WHAT?' and no other what could've been more clearer than that one." From Anthony (Butter) Petix

"Me and my brother read about sookie in ESPN the magazine and we came up with something we like to call 'modified sookie'. Instead of just saying sookie when ring up each other we punch the hell out of the sookie. The only way the sookie can stop the punching is to touch the nearest doorknob. If there are any obvious late hits the sookie gets to peg the hitter in the back usually with a basketball. We just wanted to know what you thought about it" from Adam Skipwith

"I ran across this website while reading a profile of Joaquin Gonzalez in ESPN the magazine. I grew up playing sookie (we said "DICK" instead of sookie). I learned it while working at the now-defunct Opryland theme park in Nashville, TN some 15 years ago. Some guy, whose name I can't recall, started me playing before I even knew the rules. Once I found them out, he was never able to get me again and I paid him back for 3 summers! What a great game!!! I had almost forgotten about it" from Mike Bamman

"I also play the 'modified' version of sookie, but instead of touching a doorknob you have to take of your shoe. Anyway, I was playing PS2 with my neighbor (who is a sookie veteran of his whole life, and has never lost) and I didn't even try to sookie him but I said one of the guys names on the game and he said, 'what?' I was more surprised than he was. He didn't say a word for the rest of the night" from Rob Werkowski

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